Today let us talk about a special therapy which involves no medicines and has no side effects and promises to eradicate about 90% of your ailments. Guys, let’s welcome The Balance Therapy.
Someone wise stated, “The superior physician cures before the illness is manifested. The inferior physician can only care for the illness which he was unable to prevent.” Meaning, the right physician is one who cures the illness before it even begins, and an ordinary physician is one who treats you when you are affected by an illness and it prevails an entire lifetime, hence he can neither prevent nor does he know how to cure this illness.
So, these superior physicians are better known as Life Force Therapist ( Prana Chikitsak), and this therapy is acknowledged as the life force therapy.
If you go back in history, about 5000 years back, you will realize that this treatment existed in parts of Tibet and India and was extremely popular then.
It was believed that any disease would sow its seeds in our soul body 6 months before it starts showing on the body itself. Eventually it grows and spreads like a tree.
These life force therapist, treat the disease before it even starts to root in our body.
Now lets take a closer look at Life Force.
So our body is able to function and perform various activities because of this Life Force, take for instance, beating of the heart (about 70-80 times/ minute and every beat cleans about 80 grms of blood). Similarly on the other hand, our kidneys functions constantly like a filter. Furthermore, our liver produces about a thousand different types of bile juices that help in digestion, and similarly just like that all the other 12 systems like the digestive system, respiratory system, endocrine system and the circulatory system work on this Life Force. Once The life Force fails to function all the other systems will end up becoming dysfunctional and the body will give up.
Our body constitutes of 5 Life Forces:
In todays world the job of life force therapists has been efficiently and conveniently been taken over by Balance Therapy. In other words, balance therapy cures the ailment, in case of an existing one, and if there is no ailment, it prevents anything from entering the body.
A wise man stated “ deformity of body and deformity of mind are related”, and it is true that the imbalance of mind and vagueness in thoughts affects the progress of the body and vice versa.
Things stated about a 1000 years ago, in Taitarya Upanishad, still stand true according to modern science as well, that about 91% of diseases, are psychosomatic. For instance, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, digestive disorder, migraine and most other diseases are a cause of our imbalance of mind.
If the mind affects the body, then it is obvious for the body to have an effect on the mind too, because after all the mind and the body are two sides of the same coin.
I strongly believes, that you can never directly heal your mind and cure the imbalance of thoughts but you can always choose to heal your body. Lets look at it with an example, if I ask you to lift your right hand up first, yes you will be able to, and then I ask you to lift your left hand up, you will still be able to. So, this means you can control your body.
But now if I ask you to close your eyes and not think about something, take for instance a monkey. I challenge you, but you will fail. Hence, it means the mind is not in your control like your body is.
So with enough experience, I am introducing Balance therapy to you all, with the understanding that if we balance the body , the mind will automatically get balanced, and therefore, most psychosomatic diseases can be cured by Balance Therapy.
If you look around yourself, you might have sometimes been astonished by seeing people with a healthy lifestyle, a good routine, and good eating habits be a victim of heart attacks and cancer. And it leaves you startled and amazed that despite such good habits, they were a subjected to such massive diseases.
But now try questioning yourself again, so as to why did this happen? On understanding you will realise that clearly there was an imbalance in the body, despite a very strict and balanced routine. Maybe there was an imbalance in the blood or their respiratory system or spinal chord or thoughts or an imbalance in any of the seven chakras of body.
So now we clearly know why does this imbalance occur. With i firmly believes- that 90% people sleep or sit or stand or walk with a bad posture because of which there is an imbalance created in the body.
I would like to quote an incident which happened approximately 4 years back. An eye specialist came upto me for his treatment and asked me the logic behind Balance Therapy. He explained that posing another question to the eye specialist, “You treat patient’s eyes. Sometimes they are diagnosed with a power of 1 in left eye and 1.5 power in the right eye. This does happen, right? The eye specialist said, “yes, it is very natural” and then I stated that why? During birth we were born with an equal eye sight in both eyes and we have utilised both eyes equally, then why this imbalance?
Another example, is of an orthopaedic doctor. We often go to them complaining that I have a terrible cramp in the right foot, but why only right foot, when you have utilised both the foot equally?
Yet another instance is of An ENT doctor. When a patient approaches an Ent, he complains saying that he can hear vaguely from the left ear? Why so?
We have two kidneys, yet sometimes only one kidney shrinks or enlarges.
Two shoulders, yet most of the times we have frozen shoulders only on one? Why?
This is exactly what is known as An imbalance. And this imbalance is mostly created by either sitting or sleeping or standing or walking with a bad posture.
Till today, no therapy has ever covered this imbalance. Which is why most therapies are based on curing symptomatically and not wholly. And all of us very well know the side effects of medicines. The medicine prescribed for one illness barely cures the illness, and infact ends up giving birth to other side effects. Take for instance, a diabetic patient. They are prescribed for lifetime medication. But now these medicines in turn hamper the liver, the kidney and the digestive system which will in return cause problems like kidney failure, high blood pressure and cholesterol. And then they end up getting stuck in this vicious cycle where they will start medication for all of these problems and this vicious cycle will go on and on until you die. And this is exactly what is happening.
Hence, to cure all these problems, balance therapy is My innovation. It is been curated with my experience and because of which i strongly believes that body’s imbalance happens due to imbalance in the respiratory tract, the spinal cord or the seven chakras or the imbalance of thoughts in mind.
The moment the balance of the body is attained , n number of problems disappear, have disappeared in the past and will continue to disappear. For all the different diseases you do not have to specifically treat each of them separately because although the illness is different but the root cause yet remains constant.
lets come together and connect to balance therapy. Make our mind and body healthy and help spread this therapy further.
For further inqueries Whatsapp me on 9898287627 & 9033065496.
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